Reflection about the future of innovation

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The system is us


System ideogram

The above ideogram resulted when we asked our communication design team to create a way to help people see themselves as part of a system. And that the structure of that system determines both the quality of their lives and the effects and value of their work. The original version was animated.

So imagine a system as a large machine, comprising technology and people. Think of its role as taking everyone's daily work as input, and producing socially useful results as output. How well is it performing in this all-important task? How well is it suitable for that task? How much would its function improve by changing it?

Take a look at your smartphone, and the fascinating amount of technological dexterity that went into creating it. Consider our incomparably more important 'mega-machines', and the even more fascinating lack of attention they've so far received.

If you'll consider these questions for a moment, the next question will naturally appear in your mind: How can this be possible?